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Anish Diwan

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I am a Robotics Engineer interested in the areas of imitation learning, reinforcement learning, and partially observable & multi-agent systems. I recently graduated with a cum laude from the Robotics Master program at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) where I worked on new generative imitation learning algorithms for complex, physics-dependent humanoid tasks. 

In the past, I have held research positions in graph-based ML at the Robert Bosch Center For Data Science & AI at IIT Madras and have also interned in multi-agent coordination at Bosch Research.

At present, I am working on research in large POMDP planning and am looking for funded positions in these fields in both industry and academia. I also write a little (PS: go check out the blog!). On a lighter note, I'm super passionate about writing, motorsport, food, and gaming. I'd love to get in touch :)

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